The overall objective of the AIFORS project is to bring structural changes to UNIZG-FER to attract excellent researchers and research managers capable of having a significant impact on the Faculty’s research and innovation performance.
The following structural changes will be covered:
- The researchers’ remuneration must be increased to offer jobs targeting international applicants;
- International and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers must be systematised to increase exposure to various work environments, improve career prospects, and attract international talents;
- A plan to upgrade research equipment or have access to it at other institutions must be implemented to offer to researchers the resources for conducting world-class research;
- The human resources policies, especially regarding gender balance must be compliant with ERA principles to guarantee good employment conditions;
- The UNIZG-FER Research Support Centre must be upgraded for strengthening the research management and administration skills, as the Centre currently does not provide support in proposal preparation and project management. A specialist in Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe must be recruited;
- Dissemination, communication and exploitation capacities must be developed within research teams to increase the impact of their research.