ERA Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Robotics



AIFORS is a Horizon 2020 ERA Chair project which aims to create an ERA Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Robotics at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER). It will enable UNIZG-FER to attract an outstanding researcher and five team members to independently implement an ambitious research strategy in AI for robotics. This will open UNIZG-FER to a new research direction with a high potential for research outputs and technology innovation. The ERA Chair holder will establish and lead a Research Group for Artificial Intelligence for Robotics assigned to the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics (LAMOR).

The European Robotics Forum 2024

Prof. Bonsignorio participated at the European Robotics Forum 2024 (ERF ’24) in Rimini, Italy which was held from March 13-15, 2024, where he organized and chaired the Workshop on Trustable and Dependable Intelligent Robots for Smart Societies followed by the Insight Session on the same topic. He presented three AIFORS Lab students’ posters and participated in the work of the euRobotics General Assembly.

Prof. Bonsignorio also served as a member of the jury of the Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No. 952275